
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Basta Dobbs!

Lou Dobbs Let Go by CNN!


BastaDobbs.com is a fast-growing network of organizations and individuals engaged in a campaign to educate the Latino community about the threat posed by CNN’s Lou Dobbs.
Our Mission

Watch the video

CNN: Lou Dobbs or Latinos in America?

BastaDobbs.com exists to change how the media reports on Latinos and immigrants in the United States, starting with the worst offenders: Lou Dobbs and his network, CNN. We focus on Lou Dobbs because he, more than any other media personality, has obsessed about and given voice to the most extreme views about immigrants and Latinos. And yet, because CNN refuses to translate Dobbs into Spanish, too few Latinos and immigrants are even aware of the role he plays in spreading fear and hatred in our communities.

Our campaign targets the dangerous nexus between anti-immigrant extremism and the media. At the same time that CNN profits from Dobbs’ brand of “news,” the network is courting Latino viewers by adding Latino talent and producing legitimate programming aimed at the Latino audience. BastaDobbs.com was created to shine the spotlight on this hypocrisy, and demand that CNN deal with its Dobbs problem once and for all. We are calling on Latinos and our allies to join us in telling CNN to stop Dobbs. Our dignity, safety, and self respect demand nothing less!

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Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN
New York Times (November 11, 2009)

Lou Dobbs, the longtime CNN anchor whose anti-immigration views made him a TV lightning rod, plans to announce Wednesday that he is leaving the network, two network employees said.

A CNN executive confirmed that Mr. Dobbs will announce his resignation plans on his 7 p.m. program. His resignation is effective immediately; tonight's program will be his last on CNN. His contract was not set to expire until the end of 2011.

Mr. Dobbs informed his staff members of his intentions in a meeting Wednesday afternoon. He did not immediately respond to a telephone call seeking comment.

Well known for his political positions, Mr. Dobbs is an outlier at CNN, which has sought to position itself as a middle ground of sorts in the fractious cable news arena. Perhaps hinting at plans for an exit from CNN, Mr. Dobbs met with Roger Ailes, the chairman of the Fox News Channel, last month. At the time Mr. Dobbs was viewed as a potential hire for the Fox Business Network.

The CNN employees said Wednesday that they did not know if Mr. Dobbs was moving to another network. He has placed new emphasis in recent months on his afternoon radio show, which debuted in March 2008.

Last month the New Jersey State Police were called to Mr. Dobbs home to investigate a report of gunfire. Mr. Dobbs suggested that his family had been singled out because of his views on illegal immigration and border security.
